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Do you have the right PUR dispensing equipment?

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    Just as each PUR is unique, so are the systemsthat apply them. Look for a scalable systemthat protects the integrity of your PUR, offerssimplified operation and maintenance, and increases your production efficiency.Once you have chosen to “go PUR”,identified the right PUR formulation andchosen the dispensing technology for the job, there are only two more steps standingbetween you and PUR success: learning howto treat your PUR and how to treat yourPUR application equipment.

    Getting to know your PUR

    The primary and inviolable rule of PURsuccess: know thy adhesive.Because so many unique PURs exist, it’spossible to find one that is the ideal matchfor your application. But that also means thateach PUR has, in a way, its own personality.For example, some remain stable in yourapplication system longer while others arenot as tolerant but cure faster to enablegreater production rates.To make a successful and easy PUR switch,it’s critical that you understand all of yourPUR’s unique characteristics. Your adhesivesupplier is your expert guide for that task.Talk to your adhesive supplier in depthabout the adhesive you will be using. A fewsuggested questions to ask:What is the ideal application temperaturerange for this PUR?How long can this PUR tolerate that heatbefore curing in a specified system?Does this PUR require purging and, if so,how often?What is this adhesive’s cure time?

    Getting to know your application pur melters equipment

    The second and equally important rule of PUR success is to master your equipment.This will require making some changes fromthe way you’ve handled previous non-PURadhesive application systems, but there’sgood news. No matter what distinctive set ofheating or application procedures your PUR demands, YIP offers an applicationtechnology that was created specifically notjust to handle those procedures, but to makethem as efficient and easy as possible.The ideal PUR system will accommodate the optimal adhesive volume for yourapplication as well as deliver advanced PURapplication technology. YIP providesapplication systems that meet the most specificmanufacturing requirements, accommodatingmaterial forms from 1-kilogram slug to 55-gallon drum and utilizing applicators fromnon-contact bead to adjustable contact slotnozzles. Specializing in closed applicationtechnology, YIPcreates applicationsystems that protect your PUR adhesive,minimizing its exposure to air and moisture.There are a lot of decisions to be made toselect the right PUR equipment, but havingthe right system, one specifically designed tohandle the needs of your PUR, will make asignificant difference in the success of yourswitch to PUR. YIP’s team of engineersand sales staff bring years of PUR dispensingexperience to help you select the ideal systemfor optimum adhesive performance.You can count on that expertise long afteryou select your PUR system, as well. Atinstallation, a YIP engineer will walk youthrough all of these procedures, showing youhow to maximize your new PUR investment.YIP offers initial training on all newequipment, but we also understand thatquestions come up as you get to know yournew adhesive and system. Thats why YIP engineers are always available to answerquestions and give advice on how best to useyour equipment and protect your investment.YIP pail or drum bulk melters heat only thetop surface of PUR adhesive to help reduce thermalstress and protect bonding characteristics.

    YIP also knows that change is a constant in the manufacturing world, andinevitably, you will hire new operationsand maintenance team members who needto be trained on the best way to handlePUR technology. Whether it’s a whole newtraining for a new team or a quick brush-upon best practices, YIPoffers trainingpackages to help you get the most out ofyour PUR system not just at installation, butfor the life of the equipment.

    A little attention goes a long way

    All adhesive dispensing systems require somelevel of regular preventive maintenance inorder to run effectively and efficiently longterm. PUR is no different.With just a little extra attention to proceduresand maintenance schedule, switching to PURdoesn’t need to be a stressful change. It cangive your business a great competitive edge,and it’s truly not more difficult to managethan other systems as long as you are diligentabout maintenance.Customers that proactively managePUR dispensing systems through regularpreventative maintenance have lessdowntime, fewer service calls and greatersatisfaction than customers that wait forproblems to occur before servicing thesystem. Greater consistency means greatersuccess. And YIPwill be there to help


    Let our experienced field service technicians provide the routine care and maintenance your hot melt operation requires.
    Yp Pur 2.5p

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